“Tele-Kinesthetic Interaction: Using Hand Muscles to Interact with A Tangible 3D Object” by Koike, Nakakoji and Yamamoto

  • ©Y. Koike, K. Nakakoji, and Y. Yamamoto


Entry Number: 33


    Tele-Kinesthetic Interaction: Using Hand Muscles to Interact with A Tangible 3D Object



    Our tele-kinesthetic interaction environment, consisting of MyKin- Synthesizer and SPIDARmotion, allows a user to remotely interact with a physical object by moving and straining his/her hand. MyKinSynthesizer approximates the user’s hand’s motion with force by synthesizing EMG signals. SPIDARmotion displays the 3D motion of a hanging ball within a cubic frame.

Other Information:


    ISHII, M., AND SATO, M. 1994. A 3D. spatial interface device using tensed strings. Presence 3, 1, 81–86.

    KOIKE, Y., AND KAWATO, M. 1995. Estimation of dynamic joint torques and trajectory formation from surface electromyography signals using a neural network model. Biological Cybernetics 73, 291–300.
