“Spinning-disc 3D Television” by Nii, Minamizawa, Kawakami and Tachi

  • ©Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi



Entry Number: 20


    Spinning-disc 3D Television



    In this work, we have incorporated a novel LED-projection technology into the simple structure of a spinning-disc television. In order to display a 3D image, we have replaced the conventionally used light bulbs with an LED array. With the aid of this technology, users can view different images from different viewing angles.

Other Information:


    CRUZ-NEIRA, C., SANDIN, D. J., AND DEFANTI, T. A. 1993. Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality: The design and implementation of the cave. In Proc. of Computer Graphics, vol. 27.

    ENDO, T., KAWAKAMI, N., AND TACHI, S. 2005. Seelinder: The cylindrical lightfield display. In Conference Abstracts and Applications of ACM SIGGRAPH2005.

    HAMAGISHI, G., SAKATA, M., YAMASHITA, A., MASHITANI, K., NAKAYAMA, E., KISHIMOTO, S., AND KANATANI, K. 1996. Stereoscopic lc displays without special glasses. SID Digest of Applications Papers, 75–78.

    SUTHERLAND, I. 1968. A head-mounted three dimensional display. In Proc. fall Joint Computer Conference, AFIPS Conf. Proc., vol. 33, 757–764.

    TANAKA, K., HAYASHI, J., KUNITA, Y., INAMI, M., MAEDA, T., AND TACHI, S. 2002. Twister: A media booth. In Conference Abstracts and Applications of ACM SIGGRAPH2002.

    TILTMAN, RONALD F. KENNEDY, L. A. 1933. Baird of television: the life story of John Logie Baird. London: Seeley Service.

Additional Images:

©Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi ©Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi ©Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi ©Hideaki Nii, Kouta Minamizawa, Naoki Kawakami, and Susumu Tachi


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