“Slit-based Light Field 3D Display” by Ando, Hirabara, Maeda and Watanabe
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Entry Number: 22
- Slit-based Light Field 3D Display
The principle of glasses-free 3D displays (each eye sees a different image without wearing glasses) can create a fully natural sensation of depth. In conventional principles, lenticular lenses or parallax barriers are placed in front of an image source, such as a liquid crystal display, to allow it to show a stereoscopic image. A disadvantage of the technology is that the resolution of perceived images is limited by the diffraction at the lenticular lenses or parallax barrier. To overcome this limit, we improved the technique by using the human perceptual feature known as slit viewing. When a figure moves behind stationary narrow slits, observers can see the moving figure as an integrated whole, a phenomenon known as slit viewing.
Hideyuki Ando, Yohei Miyazaki, Taro Maeda, Junji Watanabe, Three-Dimensional Perception in Multi-Slit Vision for Public Display, The 2nd International Workshop on Ambient Information Technologies in IEEE VR 2013, 2013.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24560404.