“Once Upon a Sea: A poetic, interactive XR documentary” by Shanit, Lavy and Fichman

  • ©Nimrod Shanit, Adi Lavy, and Ina Fichman



Entry Number: 02


    Once Upon a Sea: A poetic, interactive XR documentary

Program Title:

    Immersive Storytelling



    ONCE UPON A SEA is an immersive virtual reality experience that transports participants to the Dead Sea, and provides access to one of the wonders of the world that has become inaccessible in the past 35 years. The Dead Sea carries a rich history, an undeniable healing powers, and an indescribable magnetism that can now be experienced in a virtual format. The experience takes place in photoreal volumetric captures of some of the most significant and beautiful sites in the Dead Sea, highlighting its beauty, diverse inhabitants, and its recent demise. In the past 30 years, the Dead Sea has receded dramatically due to human intervention and political neglect. The sweet water that fed the Sea was used for irrigation and potash evaporation pools left behind a ravaged land, ridden with sinkholes. Today, all beaches but one are inaccessible to the public due to these dangerous sinkholes, representing Israel’s worst ecological crises. The destruction is progressing quickly, causing many socio-political battles as well as financial & personal distress to local residents and individuals who have dedicated their lives to the Sea. Israelis, Jordanians, and Palestinians, all whose countries border this body of water, have been affected by the demise of the Dead Sea. If nothing will be done, the Dead Sea as we know it will be gone for good. ONCE UPON A SEA is our call to action.

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©Nimrod Shanit, Adi Lavy, and Ina Fichman ©Nimrod Shanit, Adi Lavy, and Ina Fichman

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