“Matrix LED Unit with Pattern Drawing and Extensive Connection” by Akita

  • ©Junichi Akita



Entry Number: 17


    Matrix LED Unit with Pattern Drawing and Extensive Connection



    Matrix LED unit, the array of small LEDs, is widely used for display systems, such as indicator in public transportation vehicles and toys. In these cases, the patterns displayed on the matrix LED unit is stored in the memory card or the host computer systems, and it is impossible for the user to draw the patterns on the matrix LED displays. It is known that LED can also be used as photo sensor, since LED is a kind of the diode, which produces the electric current by the incident light[1]. This paper describes the matrix LED unit system for pattern display and interacting with users. The user can draw patterns by using light source, such as laser pointer, which is implemented by using LED arrays both for displaying and light sensing. Each unit has the communication channel for connected neighboring unit, which enables the system to extend the larger display areas by connecting the units as desired. The drawn pattern is morphed by user’s interaction, which is enabled by the tilt sensor equipped in each unit. The pattern morphing is also performed by scrolling patterns across the connected units or so-called ’life game’ pattern transition.

Other Information:


    [1] J.Lee et al., Proc. of UIST2004, pp.123–126, 2004.

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©Junichi Akita ©Junichi Akita


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