“Join the Digital Text Revolution” by McGuire

  • ©Morgan McGuire

  • ©Morgan McGuire




    Join the Digital Text Revolution



    This talk addresses computer graphics teaching, research, and authoring in the age of digital texts. Graphics content is best presented in a high-resolution, color, animated, and interactive medium; its authors are technically savvy and able to create their own tools; and the target audience values presentation quality and technological advances. This is the ideal domain for aggressive innovation in digital publishing. I present selected examples from the publication processes of four digital texts to advocate for that innovation and address concrete topics including:

    • Content authoring for an always-online reader
    • The economics of digital publishing
    • Practical technology for dynamic resolution and layout
    • Authoring, editing, marketing, and distribution for self-publishing
    • How I integrated web, mobile, and electronic text resources in my own undergraduate graphics course
    • Digital rights management and intellectual property

    Free and open tools for managing publication I disclose actual market data, cost models, tools, schedules, and adoption rates where permitted by publishing agreements.


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