“Jamodrum Interactive Music System” by Blaine

  • ©Tina Bean Blaine


    Inspired by the community spirit of drumming and new technology, the Jamodrum Interactive Music System encourages collaborative experiences with music and real-time computer graphics. Cross-cultural music integration was inspired by the inventors’ experiences with communal music making, both in the context of non-Western cultures and contemporary computer music.

    The system combines velocity-sensitive input devices and computer graphics imagery into an integrated tabletop surface, where up to three players can participate in a synergetic approach to musical improvisation. Each participant strikes a M IDI pad that controls sounds and visual imagery to create group compositions. By taking advantage of the players’ intuitive abilities and social interaction skills, the Jamodrum embraces both musically trained and untrained participants.

    This prototype was the first in a series sponsored by Interval Research Corporation, which ultimately led to installation of a 12-person Jamodrum device at the Experience Music Project in Seattle.

Other Information:

    Concept, Software, Hardware
    & Interaction Design
    Tina Blaine
    Interval Research Corporation

    Tim Perkis

    Software & Graphic Design
    Greg Jalbert

    Audio Engineering
    & Sound Design
    Kris Force
    Interval Research

    Hardware Design
    Greg Beattie
    Tricia Wright
    Interval Research

    Carolyn Brandy
    Susan Jette
    Karma Moffett
    Karamba Diabat
    Michael Coffey

    Interaction Design
    Ignazio Moresco
    Hila Dar

    Eiko DoEspiritoSanto

    Additional Graphics
    Stuart Sharpe
    Steve Rubin

    Charles “Bud” Lassiter
    Chris Seguine
    Interval Research Corporation


    Special thanks to David Liddle, Michael Naimark, Bill Verplank, Becky
    Fuson, Laurie Anderson, Arthur Hull, and our esteemed colleagues
    at Interval Research for their support and feedback.


Overview Page: