“Interactive Transportable Architecture” by Sparacino, Irschitz and Givord
- More from SIGGRAPH 2003:
E-Tech Type(s):
- Augmented Reality
- Displays & Projection
- Interfaces & HCI
- Virtual Reality
Entry Number: 11
- Interactive Transportable Architecture
Transportable architecture which embeds the means to communicate with real or imaginary digital information spaces in a natural fashion offers unprecedented opportunities to make multimedia experiences available to the public almost everywhere. This installation demonstrates an example of interactive transportable architecture which incorporates unencumebered real-time body tracking and gesture recognition to explore a 3-D cityscape and a brain-like web-based information space.
Other Information:
SPARACINO, F. 2001. (Some) computer vision based interfaces for interactive art and entertainment installations. In INTER_FACE Body Boundaries, Anomalie, n.2, anomos ed., Paris, France.
SPARACINO, F., WREN, C., AZARBAYEJANI, A., AND PENTLAND, A. 2002. Browsing 3-D spaces with 3-D vision: body-driven navigation through the Internet city. In Proceedings of 3DPVT.
GIVORD, P. AND LENCLOS, M. 2002. NEWYORKEXITNEWYORK. ACM SIGGRAPH Visual Proceedings, Art Gallery installation.