“High Brightness HDR Projection Using Dynamic Phase Modulation” by Damberg, Ballestad, Kozak, Minor, Kumaran, et al. …

  • ©Gerwin Damberg, Anders Ballestad, Eric Kozak, Johannes Minor, Raveen Kumaran, and James Gregson



Entry Number: 13


    High Brightness HDR Projection Using Dynamic Phase Modulation



    We demonstrate a new, large screen projection technology that utilizes dynamic phase modulation for light steering to achieve both black levels indiscernible from the screen in dark environments and peak luminance levels some 20 times above what conventional projectors can reach with the same light source. The human visual system’s near-logarithmic brightness response to luminance is demanding on the lamp requirements in a conventional display system. With a steerable light source, excess light from dark areas in an image can be used for areas requiring higher brightness thus breaking the conventional linearity between out-of-lens-lumens and onscreen- luminance. We will demonstrate our new, full color prototype which reproduces very realistic appearing images and requires only a fraction of the energy of a traditional projector (Figure 1).


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©Gerwin Damberg, Anders Ballestad, Eric Kozak, Johannes Minor, Raveen Kumaran, and James Gregson ©Gerwin Damberg, Anders Ballestad, Eric Kozak, Johannes Minor, Raveen Kumaran, and James Gregson ©Gerwin Damberg, Anders Ballestad, Eric Kozak, Johannes Minor, Raveen Kumaran, and James Gregson ©Gerwin Damberg, Anders Ballestad, Eric Kozak, Johannes Minor, Raveen Kumaran, and James Gregson


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