“HDR in the Living Room” by Pouli, Boitard, Chamaret, Abebe, Serré, et al. …

  • ©Tania Pouli, Ronan Boitard, Christel Chamaret, Mekides Assefa Abebe, Catherine Serré, David Touzé, Edouard François, and Erik Reinhard

  • ©Tania Pouli, Ronan Boitard, Christel Chamaret, Mekides Assefa Abebe, Catherine Serré, David Touzé, Edouard François, and Erik Reinhard

  • ©Tania Pouli, Ronan Boitard, Christel Chamaret, Mekides Assefa Abebe, Catherine Serré, David Touzé, Edouard François, and Erik Reinhard


    High dynamic range (HDR) imaging has been an active area of research in visual computing for more than a decade. HDR imaging technologies are concerned with the capture, processing, compression and display of content with a wider luminance range and offer a significant increase in visual quality. Despite that, HDR technologies have not yet penetrated the consumer market. We investigate the reasons behind this apparent resistance and discuss some solutions for dealing with the main aspects of an HDR imaging pipeline in a real world entertainment context.


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