“From A-Pose to AR-Pose: Animating Characters in Mobile AR” by Valente, Esteves and Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes

  • ©Andreia Valente, Augusto Esteves, and Daniel Simões Lopes




    From A-Pose to AR-Pose: Animating Characters in Mobile AR



    We present AR-Pose, a mobile AR app to generate keyframe-based animations of rigged humanoid characters. The smartphone’s positional and rotational degrees of freedom are used for two purposes: (i) as a 3D cursor to interact with inverse kinematic (IK) controllers placed on or near the character’s joints; and (ii) as a virtual camera that enables users to freely move around the character. Through the touch screen, users can activate/deactivate actions such as selecting an IK controller or pressing animation control buttons placed in a hovering 3D panel. By systematically re-positioning and saving the positions of the IK controllers, different poses can be achieved and, therefore, used to generate a 3D animation.


    This work was supported by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia with reference PTDC/CCI-COM/30274/2017


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