“Draco: Sketching Animated Drawings With Kinetic Textures” by Kazi, Chevalier, Grossman, Zhao and Fitzmaurice

  • ©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Fanny Chevalier, Tovi Grossman, Shengdong Zhao, and George Fitzmaurice

  • ©Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Fanny Chevalier, Tovi Grossman, Shengdong Zhao, and George Fitzmaurice




    Draco: Sketching Animated Drawings With Kinetic Textures



    Draco [Kazi et al. 2014] is a sketch-based interface that allows artists and casual users alike to add a rich set of animation effects to their drawings, seemingly bringing illustrations to life. While previous systems have introduced sketch-based animations for individual objects, our contribution is a unified framework of motion controls that allows users to seamlessly add coordinated motions to object collections. From an interface design perspective, the key challenge to this problem is to formulate a general framework for workflow and controls that is easy to use, but expressive enough to author a wide range of dynamic phenomena.


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