“A Unified Newton Barrier Method for Multibody Dynamics” by Chen, Li, Lan, Su, Yang, et al. …

  • ©Yunuo Chen, Minchen Li, Lei Lan, Hao Su, Yin Yang, and Chenfanfu Jiang




    A Unified Newton Barrier Method for Multibody Dynamics

Program Title:

    Labs Demo



    We present a simulation framework for multibody dynamics via a universal variational integration. Our method naturally supports mixed rigid-deformables and mixed codimensional geometries, while providing guaranteed numerical convergence and accurate resolution of contact, friction, and a wide range of articulation constraints. We unify (1) the treatment of simulation degrees of freedom for rigid and soft bodies by formulating them both in terms of Lagrangian nodal displacements, (2) the handling of general linear equality joint constraints through an efficient change-of-variable strategy, (3) the enforcement of nonlinear articulation constraints based on novel distance potential energies, (4) the resolution of frictional contact between mixed dimensions and bodies with a variational Incremental Potential Contact formulation, and (5) the modeling of generalized restitution through semi-implicit Rayleigh damping. We conduct extensive unit tests and benchmark studies to demonstrate the efficacy of our method.


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