“Berthouzoz Women in Research Lunch” by Ren and Schulz

“Fostering Inclusion for Women and Nonbinary BIPOC Individuals in the Animation and VFX Industry” by WIA WIA, Ogino, Bhatia and Cox

“Augmenting Workflows with Generative AI: Use Cases, Career Future-Proofing” by Pennefather

“Massive Collaborative Animation Projects Alumni Reunion and Info Session” by Aoki, DeYoung, Joel, Ursyn and Chang

“Inspiring Game Development through Open Source” by O’Brien, White and Jones

“Rust Lang Forum” by Bottriell

“Vulkan, Forging Ahead” by Olson, Ghavam, Lipp, Kerbl, Edstrom, et al. …

“Khronos Group and Metaverse Standards Forum Networking Reception” by Aartsen

“Generative AI for Graphics and 3D” by Bednarz, Spoelstra and Patel

“Standardizing Body Attachment Points for 3D Commerce Virtual Try On” by Hadley

“The Pipeline Conference – Moving Forward” by Lehrman and Zandonella

“3D UI/UX Designer Meetup” by Chaput

“glTF: Transforming 3D Asset Delivery for Real-Time Graphics” by Medvedev, Frith, Mackey, Hadley, Guyomard, et al. …

“Real-time rendering in production” by Lehrman and Feldman

“A.I. and Art” by Rampersad

“Graphical Models Journal Editorial Board Meeting” by Benes

“Liquid cooled workstations & servers” by Lappenbusch

“Vulkan Development in Apple Environments” by Wright

“Immersive Spatial Realms: Redefining Storytelling through Virtual Reality” by Liu

“Women in Technology: Knocking Down Barriers” by Counnas, Juneja and Lamm

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