“ACM SIGGRAPH BOF: Chapters Party Room – Bogota ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter hosts Magic Realism” by ACM SIGGRAPH PSCC

“NYC ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter” by Vega

“Artifice Social Virtual reality” by Nakpresha

“ACM SIGGRAPH BOF: Chapters Party Room – Vancouver ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter hosts Star Wars + Toy Story Trivia!” by ACM SIGGRAPH PSCC

“Cinematic Storytelling at NASA: A look at the Past, Present, and Future” by Perry and Lish

“ACM SIGGRAPH BOF: ACM SIGGRAPH Chapters Party Room – LA ACM SIGGRAPH Chapter hosts Discord Party Server” by ACM SIGGRAPH PSCC

“Women of SIGGRAPH Conversations” by Nandigjav, Newton, Rose, Pron, Strittmatter, et al. …

“Simplify Vulkan Development with new Ecosystem Enhancements” by Ghavam

“Ensure Correct Vulkan Synchronization by Using Synchronization Validation” by Zulauf and Gebben

“Biomimetic Generative Design in Symmetrical Grid Systems” by Leverett

“ACM SIGGRAPH Cartographic Visualization (Carto) Birds of a Feather” by Rhyne

“Going Cloud Native” by Sherman

“State of Animation Tools in the Industry” by Bernard

“Conversations with SIGGRAPH Trailblazers – East Coast/Europe Session” by Newton

“The 34th Yoichiro Kawaguchi’s CG Show and SAKE Party at SIGGRAPH 2021” by Kawaguchi

“Social Hour – Monday Kickoff” by Liendo

“Computer Graphics & Animation Research Projects (CGARP)” by Joel

“LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Meetup” by Weekley, Pillis and Roundtree

“Conversations with SIGGRAPH Trailblazers” by Newton

“Dynamic Simulation in Production” by McLaughlin

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