SIGGRAPH 2003 Steven Anson Coons Award: Hanrahan

  • ©2003, Patrick (Pat) Hanrahan



    Steven Anson Coons Award


    ACM SIGGRAPH will award its 2003 Steven Anson Coons Award to Pat Hanrahan for his leadership in rendering algorithms, graphics architectures and systems, and new visualization methods for computer graphics. Hanrahan’s contributions focus on both theory and practice of computer graphics. His work is responsible in part for the pervasiveness of computer graphics in the computing field. The Coons Award is given in odd-numbered years to honor an individual’s lifetime contributions to computer graphics and interactive techniques. Hanrahan, the Canon USA Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, receives his award at SIGGRAPH 2003, 27-31 July 2003, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, CA.

    A prolific publisher, Hanrahan produced well-known publications in visualization, including pioneering work in volume rendering, the construction of effective pictorial representations, and the display of large, multi-dimensional data bases. He is best known for his contributions to the development of the popular RenderMan interface, including the design of RenderMan Shading Language. This work has led to programmable graphics hardware and real-time “shaders” for games and interactive entertainment applications. He has demonstrated extreme versatility in a wide range of computer graphics areas for more than two decades.

    Hanrahan earned his PhD in Biophysics at the University of Wisconsin in 1985. Through the 1980’s he worked at some of the most influential laboratories of their day, including the graphics lab at the New York Institute of Technology, Digital Equipment Co., and Pixar Animation Studios. He joined Princeton University in 1989, leaving for Stanford in 1995. Hanrahan received the ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award in 1993.


    ACM SIGGRAPH Press Release, 2003
