“The Sudanese Mobius Band” by Asimov and Lerner
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 06
- The Sudanese Mobius Band
Company / Institution / Agency:
- University of California, Berkeley
The surface depicted is the most symmetrical Mobius band possible, and it lives in 4-D space. To view it, it is first projected into 3-space, where it extends infinitely far, and has a perfectly circular edge.
HARDWARE: Cray 1, Dicomed film recorder, Oxberry
optical printer
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: FORTRAN rendering software was designed and
implemented by Dan Asimov and Doug Lerner
Additional Contributors:
Music: Simon Saiz
Opticals: John Blunden
Mentor: Nelson Max
Produced at: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 1984
Additional Information:
Format: 1:00; 16mm; sound
Technical notes:
The surface is implicitly defined by two equations,
w (x2 – y2) = 2 xyz
x2 + y2 + z2 + w2 = 1
plus the inequality,
(x2 – y2) z > 0.
This is stereographically projected to 3-space
(ignoring the point at infinity).