“The Flintstones” by Industrial Light & Magic
- SIGGRAPH 1994 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1994:
- The Flintstones
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Industrial Light & Magic
HARDWARE: SGI, Solitaire film recorders, ILM
proprietary film scanner
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: Alias Model2, SOFTIMAGE Creative Environment, Pixar
RenderMan, Parallax Matador, ILM proprietary
Additional Contributors:
Visual Effects Supervisor: Mark A. Z. Dippe
Visual Effects Producer: Judith Weaver
Computer Graphics Supervisor: Alex Seiden
Visual Effects Art Director: TyRuben Ellingson
CG Animation Supervisors: James Satoru Straus, Eric Armstrong
Visual Effects Editor: Michael Gleason
Scanning Supervisor: Joshua Pines
Optical Supervisor: Bruce Vecchitto
Visual Effects Coordinator: Vicki Engel
ILM General Manager: Jim Morris
Evecutive in Charge of Production: Patricia Blau
Director of Production Operations: Jeff Mann
Executive in Charge of Digital Effects: Thomas A. Williams
Computer Graphic Animators: Dave Andrews, Kyle Baida, Geoff Campbell, Steve Price
Computer Graphic Artists: Bijan Forutanpour, Carl N. Frederick, Christophe Hery, David Horsley, Thomas L. Hutchinson, Joe Letteri, Patrick T. Myers, Kevin Rafferty
Computer Graphic Software Developers: Eric Enderton, Dan Goldman
Digital Artists: Jon Alexander, Barbara Brennan, Sandy
Houston, Peg Hunter, Sandra Ford Karpman, Greg Maloney, Rebeca Petrulli-Heskes, Carolyn Ensle Rendu, Tom Rosseter
Computer Graphics Camera Matchmovers:
Charlie Clavadetscher, Peter Daulton
Scanning Operators: Randall K. Bean, Mike Ellis, George Gambetta, John Whisnant
Concept Designer: Erik Tiemens
Supervisor Model Maker: Barbara Affonso
Chief Model Makers: Brian Gernand, Tony Sommers
Model Scenic Painter: Susan Ross
Model Makers: Harold Weed, John Goodson, Michael Lynch, Richard Miller, Nelson Kirby Hall, Scott McNamara, Eben Stromquist, Giovanni Donovan, Jon Foreman
Visual Effects Camera Operator: Pat Sweeney
Camera Assistants: David Hanks, Robert Hill, Keith Johnson
Stage Technicians: Michael Olague, Timothy Morgan, Brad L. Jerrell, Joseph S. Fulmer, Richard Spah Dova, Buck O’Hare, Pat Fitzsimmons, Ross Lorente, Craig Mohagen
Optical Camera Operator: James C. Lim
Optical Line-up: Jennifer Lee, Kristen Trattner, Tim Geideman
Optical and Scanning Coordinator: Lisa Vaughn
Computer Graphics Technical Assistants: Michael Conte, Edwin G. Dunkley, Curt I. Miyashiro, Patrick B. Neary, John C. Torrijos
Computer Graphics Systems Engineers: Ken Beyer, Marty Luigi Miramontez, Andy Hendrickson
CG Department Production Manager: Gail Currey
Senior Manager For Digital Operations: Douglas Scott Kay
CG Department Operations Manager: John Andrew Berton, Jr.
Computer Graphics Coordinator: Nancy Jill Luckoff
Computer Graphics Production Assistant: Andrea Bronzo
Camera Engineers: Duncan Sutherland, Lanny Cermak
Assistant Editor: Roberto McGrath
Negative Cutter: Louis Rivera
Projectionist: Timothy A. Greenwood
Editorial Coordinator: David Tanaka
Model Department Manager: Jeffrey Olson
Model Department Coordinator: Mark Anderson
Production Assistant: Michael Halsted