“Terms of Entrapment” by Olson, Tainer and Getzoff
- SIGGRAPH 1985 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1985:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 10
- Terms of Entrapment
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Research Institute of Scripps Clinic
This film details the graphics research done on the structure and function of superoxide dismutase, an enzyme superoxide that scavenges the harmful by-product of oxygen metabolism before it can do damage to the organism.
HARDWARE: E&S Multi Picture System, DEC VAX 11/750
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: GRAMPS graphics language and interface developed
by T.J. O’Donnell and A.J. Olson. GRANNY
molecular modeling system by M.L. Connolly
and A.J. Olson.
Additional Contributors:
Written, directed and produced by Arthur J. Olson, John A. Tainer, Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Produced at: The Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, California 1984
Additional Information:
Format: 2:00,16mm; silent (audio cassette)
Technical notes:
Filmed directly off the E&S color monitor using
a Mitchell 16mm animation camera. All animation
was done using GRAMPS.