“Still Life (Etude-1)” by Nakamae
- SIGGRAPH 1984 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1984:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 04
- Still Life (Etude-1)
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Hiroshima City University
HARDWARE: TOSBAC Data System 600 computer, GRAPHICA
M 508 display
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: Programs were developed in-house, and are
written in FORTRAN
Additional Contributors:
Programmers: T. Nishita, Y. Satoh, K. Tatamura
Music: T Oh bayash i
Produced at: Hiroshima University, Electric Machinery Laboratory, Higashihiroshima, Japan 1984
Additional Information:
Format: 5:05; 16mm; sound
Technical notes:
This film demonstrates the effects produced by
a distributed light source algorithm (as compared
to a point source algorithm). The still life
objects are lit with point sources and linear
sources; a computer room is illuminated with
area sources.