“Ray Tracing: A Silent Movie & Some Slides” by Sweeney and Forsey
- SIGGRAPH 1984 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1984:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 04
- Ray Tracing: A Silent Movie & Some Slides
Company / Institution / Agency:
- University of Waterloo
This presents a series of stills, in the old-time tradition, explaining ray tracing, and ends with 30 seconds of animation. The animated sequence is a flight through a synthetic lake scene.
HARDWARE: VAX 11/780, Genisco frame buffer, Ampex
frame store
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: Images are ray traced by software produced by
Michael Sweeney. The text was prepared with a
program by David Forsey. Doris Kochanek’s spline
interpolation was used for the ’tweening.
Additional Contributors:
Michael Sweeney, David Forsey
Produced at: The University of Waterloo, Computer Graphics Laboratory, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 1984
Additional Information:
Format: 4:30; 3/4″; sound
Technical notes:
The raytracing program used is capable of rendering
texture mapped fractals (the mountains in the
animated sequence) and free-form B-spline surfaces
(the two central columns of the sequence).