“Pandora’s Chain” by Barr, Barzel, Lengyel, Snyder and Von Herzen

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  • ©Alan H. Barr, Ronen Barzel, Jed Lengyel, John M. Snyder, and Brian Von Herzen  California Institute of Technology


  • SIGGRAPH 1987
  • More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1987:
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    Pandora's Chain




Company / Institution / Agency:

  • California Institute of Technology


    A new technique for computer graphics modeling and ani­ mation is demonstrated called “Dynamics Constraints:• The technique is applicable to simulating the self-assembly and dynamic behavior of mechanical elements, maintaining geometric constraints on the configuration. The constraints are met by applying the appropriate internal forces between the elements of the structures. Constraint-based physical and dynamic modeling tools offer an improvement over con­ ventional modeling techniques, for controlling intricate motions.

Additional Contributors:

    CREATED BY: California Institute of Technology, Computer Science Graphics Group: Alan Barr, Ronen Barzel,Jed Lengyel,John Snyder, Brian
    Von Herzen

Additional Information:

    FORMAT: 1″ NTSC Video

Animation / Video Overview:
