“NYIT Demo” by New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)

  • ©  New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)



    NYIT Demo

Company / Institution / Agency:

  • New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)


    The NYIT demo reel includes animation created using a variety of techniques from computer-assisted eel animation to 3-D mathematical modeling and simulation, for commercial clients and in-house experimental projects.

    In-house software for polygon and quadric surface modeling, simulated and keyframe motion, Z-buffer hidden surface algorithms, eel animation and special effects, running on UNIX 4.2 bsd.


    HARDWARE: VAX 780 and 750, E&S Multi
    Picture System, Genisco and Adage 3000
    frame buffers, IVC 9000 2″ and Sony
    BVH-2500 1″ video recorders, Dicomed
    and Dunn film recorders.

Animation / Video Overview:
