“Digital Pictures Limited 1984 SIGGRAPHShow Reel” by Lowe
- SIGGRAPH 1984 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1984:
- Digital Pictures Limited 1984 SIGGRAPHShow Reel
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Digital Pictures
Sequences: BBC Olympics ’84 designed by Liz Jones, BBC; Rai TV; Imperial Tobacco; Weekend World for London Weekend Television; Imagination title sequence designed and produced by Digital Pictures; Grampian TV title sequence designed by Tony White, SSK productions.
HARDWARE: Two Data General C330 minicomputers, output to
35mm pin-registered cine film via a modified
Matrix QCR-D2000
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: Developed by Digital Pictures Ltd.,
London, England
Additional Contributors:
Artist/programmers: Chris Briscoe, Paul Brown
Designer and animator: Steve Lowe
Producer: Pete Florence
Produced at: Digital Pictures Ltd., London, England 1984
Additional Information:
Format: 2:30; 1″; sound