“Continuum 1. Initiation” by Post Perfect Inc.
- SIGGRAPH 1989 More animation videos from SIGGRAPH 1989:
SIGGRAPH Video Review:
- 11
- Continuum 1. Initiation
Company / Institution / Agency:
- Post Perfect Inc.
Initiation is the first of four movements in the Continuum set. The underlying theme of Initiation is the beginning and evolution of consciousness. The goal of this series is to elicit a state of suspension both intellectually and emotionally on the part of the viewer.
HARDWARE: Silicon Graphics 3130 workstations, Celerity 1260 rendering engines,
Silicon Graphics CS-12 rendering engine,
Raster Tech one/80 frame buffer, Quantel Paintbox and Harry with Rainbow, Grass Valley Group Kaliedoscope digital video image processors, Grass Valley Group GVG-300 switcher, Abekas A62 digital disk recorder,
CMX-3600 editing controller, Sony DVR-1000
digital videotape recorders, Sony DVR-10 digital videotape recorders
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER: Wavefront Technologies 3D animation software (Model, PreView and Image), Post Perfect object generation/ interpolation software, Quantel Ver 4.16 operating system, Kaliedoscope Ver 4.0b
Additional Contributors:
Produced by: Dean Winkler, Maureen Nappi