“Algorithms to Reveal Graphic Terminal Characteristics” by George

  • ©James E. George




    Algorithms to Reveal Graphic Terminal Characteristics

Session/Category Title:   Device Independent Graphics Session




    Algorithms to discover terminal characteristics are presented as a set of Standard Fortran subroutines as an aid in developing portable and device independent graphical systems. The algorithms compute the screen representation, the character sizes, the incremental vector action and the boundary action in both the character and graphic mode. The assumptions, restrictions and implications of the algorithms are discussed.


    1. Beach, Robert C. The SLAC unified graphics system. Computation Group, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, California, CGTM 143, January 1973. Also, an abstract appeared in Abstracts of Presentations, ACM-SIGGRAPH/NBS Workshop on Machine Independent Graphics, April 1974.
    2. Meads, J. A. A terminal control system, in Graphic Languages, Nake, F. and Rosenfeld, A. (Eds.), North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1972, 271–290.
    3. Newman, William M. Where are we? Proceedings of the Batelle Computer Graphics Conference, Computer Graphics, 8, 1 (Spring 1974), 12–29.
    4. Newman, William M. and Sproull, Robert F. An approach to graphics system design. Proceedings of the IEEE, 62, 4 (April 1974), 471–483.
    5. Walsh, John P. A plea for standards – graphics vs. freedom – the unending plot routine problem. Computer Graphics, 6, 3 (Winter 1972), 6–7 and 13.
    6. Woodsford, P. A. The design and implementation of the GINO 3D graphics software package. Software – Practice and Experience, 1 (1971), 335–365.
    7. Woodsford, P. A. Introduction to the graphics compatability system. Computer Graphics Project, United States Military Academy, 1974. Also, an abstract appeared in Abstracts of Presentations, ACM-SIGGRAPH/NBS Workshop on Machine Independent Graphics, April 1974.
    8. Woodsford, P. A. Guidelines for initiation of a program for graphic standards and a graphic standards planning committee. Computer Graphics, 8, 2 (Summer 1974), 19–22.
    9. Michener, Jim and Sproull, Bob. Proposed network graphics protocol. ARPA Network Information Center, Stanford Research Institute, NIC 19933, Network Graphics Group, Note 5, October 1973.
    10. Michener, Jim and Sproull, Bob. Decystem -10 display systems. Computer Center Branch, Division of Computer Research and Technology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, March 1974.
    11. Michener, Jim and Sproull, Bob. GINO-F user manual. Computer Aided Design Centre, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHB, England, 1974.
    12. Hirschsohn, Ian. DISSPLA — A proven machine and device independent graphics software system. Abstracts of Presentations, ACM-SIGGRAPH/NBS Workshop on Machine Independent Graphics, April 1974.
    13. Naur, Peter. Machine dependent programming languages. BIT 7 (1967), 123–131.
    14. Redish, K. A. and Ward, W. Environment enquiries for numerical analysis. SIGNUM Newsletter, 6, 1 (January 1971), 10–15.
    15. Malcolm, Michael A. Algorithms to reveal properties of floating-point arithmetic. CACM, 15, 11 (November 1972), 949–951.
    16. Gentleman, W. Mowen and Marovich, Scott B. More on algorithms that reveal properties of floating-point arithmetic units, CACM, 17, 5 (May 1974), 276–277.
    17. George, James E. Algorithms to reveal the representation of characters, integers and floating-point numbers. Submitted to CACM.
    18. George, James E. FORTRAN vs. Basic FORTRAN – a programming language for information processing on automatic data processing systems. CACM, 7, 10 (October 1964), 591–625.

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