“A Versatile High-Resolution Scanning System and its Application to Statistical Analysis of Lizards’ Skin Colour Time-Evolution” by Manukyan, Martins, Montandon, Bessant and Milinkovitch

  • ©Liana Manukyan, Antonio Martins, Sophie A. Montandon, Michel Bessant, and Michel C. Milinkovitch

  • ©Liana Manukyan, Antonio Martins, Sophie A. Montandon, Michel Bessant, and Michel C. Milinkovitch

  • ©Liana Manukyan, Antonio Martins, Sophie A. Montandon, Michel Bessant, and Michel C. Milinkovitch



Entry Number: 06


    A Versatile High-Resolution Scanning System and its Application to Statistical Analysis of Lizards’ Skin Colour Time-Evolution



    Numerous methods and systems exist for 3D objects scanning. Each application area uses different types of hardware and software setups, requiring application-specific fine-tuning. Robotic scanning systems are usually used in manufacturing and reverseengineering (e.g., for inspection of parts in a production line). For safety reasons, robotic systems are complicated to use. However the aim of our project was to develop high-quality, fast and versatile hardware for automated scanning small-sized (from 2cm to 100cm long) living animals under anaesthesia for investigating the evolution and development of morphological features. Two reconstruction approaches, Structure from Motion (SfM; [Furukawa and Ponce 2010]) and Photometric Stereo (PS; [Papadhimitri and Favaro 2014]) are of particular interest to us, as they can be performed fast, do not require additional complicated hardware and are scalable. PS acquires high-frequency micro-geometry information, but often generates a low-frequency bias, while SFM provides low frequency unbiased geometry. Our robotic system allows combining the two methods, yielding enough resolution and completeness to investigate the time-evolution of single skin appendage (scales) colour change during animal growth (see Fig. 1.)


    1. Furukawa, Y., and Ponce, J. 2010. Accurate, dense, and robust multiview stereopsis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 32, 8 (Aug.), 1362–1376.
    2. Nehab, D., Rusinkiewicz, S., Davis, J., and Ramamoorthi, R. 2005. Efficiently combining positions and normals for precise 3D geometry. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005) 24, 3 (Aug.). 
    3. Papadhimitri, T., and Favaro, P. 2014. A closed-form, consistent and robust solution to uncalibrated photometric stereo via local diffuse reflectance maxima. International Journal of Computer Vision 107, 2, 139–154. 


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