“High-Frame-Rate Cinema, Impacts on Art and Technology With Douglas Trumbull and Dennis Muren: Moderated by Christie” by Salvini, Trumbull, Muren, Oatley, Wallen, et al. …

  • ©Paul Salvini, Douglas Trumbull, Dennis Muren, Phil Oatley, Lincoln Wallen, Jim Beshears, Darin Kyoichi Grant, Matthew Cowan, Luke Moore, John Helliker, and Jon Landau




    High-Frame-Rate Cinema, Impacts on Art and Technology With Douglas Trumbull and Dennis Muren: Moderated by Christie



    Some of the biggest movies on the horizon – “Avatar’s” sequels and “Lord of the Rings” prequels – will be presented in stereoscopic 3D high-frame-rate cinema. Peter Jackson and James Cameron are betting on their expectation that audiences will love the more immersive and detailed worlds that these 3D productions can offer. But what IS high-frame-rate cinema, and what will it mean to producers of content and to the audience experience? This panel of experts explains high-frame-rate cinema and discusses the implications of producing and experiencing cinematic content in the new medium.

Overview Page: