“Sword Tracer: Visualization of Sword Trajectories in Fencing”

  • ©Masaki Takahashi, Shinsuke Yokozawa, Hideki Mitsumine, Tetsuya Itsuki, Masato Naoe, and Satoshi Funaki

  • ©Masaki Takahashi, Shinsuke Yokozawa, Hideki Mitsumine, Tetsuya Itsuki, Masato Naoe, and Satoshi Funaki

  • ©Masaki Takahashi, Shinsuke Yokozawa, Hideki Mitsumine, Tetsuya Itsuki, Masato Naoe, and Satoshi Funaki

  • ©Masaki Takahashi, Shinsuke Yokozawa, Hideki Mitsumine, Tetsuya Itsuki, Masato Naoe, and Satoshi Funaki



Entry Number: 25


    Sword Tracer: Visualization of Sword Trajectories in Fencing



    This paper describes a system for visualizing sword trajectories in fencing. Fencing swords are very thin and move so fast that it is difficult for audiences to follow their movements even in slow-motion video replays. The system thus tracks the tips of the swords in the image coordinates and visualizes their movements with computer graphics (CG). We call it “Sword Tracer.”


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