“Remote Empathetic Viewpoint: A Novel Approach To Extending Cubism” by Morrison and Akleman

  • ©Chris Morrison and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Chris Morrison and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Chris Morrison and Ergun Akleman



Entry Number: 14


    Remote Empathetic Viewpoint: A Novel Approach To Extending Cubism



    In this paper, we present the concept of Remote Empathetic Viewpoints, an approach which allows the viewer to simultaneously access multiple remote viewpoints, granting us the ability to explore and extend the concepts of Cubism in 3D and in animation. In Remote Empathetic Viewpoints, we utilize a single Primary View Camera, a small set of Control lights, and a significantly large number of secondary cameras, whose positions and directions are referenced by Control Lights. By using such a multi camera system, we overcome the “shower door” affect that comes from using multiple cameras, which are used to obtain cubist rendering. By animating camera movement, we obtain temporal cubist art.


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©Chris Morrison and Ergun Akleman


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