“Ophelia: Love & Privacy_Settings” by To

  • ©Bin-Han To



    Ophelia: Love & Privacy_Settings



    How exposed and public can your thoughts become before the situation becomes embarrassing? Which dirty thoughts could get you into trouble? That’s Hubert’s problem. Anyone can clearly read his thoughts in a speech balloon floating above his head. Watch his challenging search for a girlfriend.

Additional Contributors:

    Producer: Heiko Schulze
    Animation: Alexander Dietrich, Jessica Tegethoff, Kim Nguyen, Ringo Klapschinsky, Jacob Frey, Nikolaos Saradopoulos
    Additional Backgrounds: Katrin Schneider
    Additional Modelling: Anja Wacker
    Rigging Advisor: Tom Ferstl, Parzival Röthlein
    Music: Marcel Walter
    Sound Design: Dennis Kopacz
    Final Mix: Christian Heck
    Orchestra: Bigband MHS Mannheim, Joerg Reiter

Animation / Video Overview:
