“Lost in Space” by Hopkins

  • ©Stephen Hopkins  Cinesite



    Lost in Space


Company / Institution / Agency:

  • Cinesite


    Time bubbles, Time Portals and Time Domes make up this sequence from Lost in Space. Effects were created by compositing a combination of digital set extensions, Dynamation particles, Alias models, elaborate texture maps and live action elements. Furthermore, Cinesite’s research and development teams maximized efficiency by developing a 2D technique where a 3D tool would have been the obvious choice: Cinesite developed a glass and procedural pattern tool as a replacement for a more time intensive ray tracing with motion blur solution.

Additional Contributors:

    Producer: Cinesite Digital Studios
    Visual Effects Supervisor (New Line): Angus Bickerton
    Digital Effects Producer (Cinesite): Deanna Gould
    Production Technical Supervisor: Ken Dailey
    Digital Composite Supervisors: Ed Hawkins, Tom Wood
    CG Sequence Supervisors: Chris George, Jonathan Privett

Animation / Video Overview:
