“Can We Get There From Here?: Current Challenges in Cloth Modeling, Design, and Animation” Moderated by David E. Breen

  • ©Jeffrey W. Eischen, Michael Kass, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, and Maurizio Vecchione



Entry Number: 03


    Can We Get There From Here?: Current Challenges in Cloth Modeling, Design, and Animation




    Cloth and clothing have been part of the human experience for thousands of years. Why is the design of cloth and clothing not fully computerized? This panel looks at the state of the art in cloth and clothing modeling, design, and animation and explores the technical, economic, and marketing hurdles that prevent wider deployment of this technology. The panelists bring wide-ranging perspectives and experience from graphics research labs, an animation studio, an engineering lab, and the apparel CAD industry.

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