“Immersed in Anxiety or a Process to Healing? VR Meets Mental Health” by Hodges, Hoffman, Rizzo, Schultheis, Strickland, et al. …

  • ©Larry F. Hodges, Hunter G. Hoffman, Albert (Skip) Rizzo, Maria T. Schultheis, Dorothy Strickland, Benjamin A. Watson, Brenda K. Wiederhold, and Mark Wiederhold



Entry Number: 15


    Immersed in Anxiety or a Process to Healing? VR Meets Mental Health




    Virtual reality is becoming a viable tool for cognitive and behavioral mental health applications. Much like an aircraft simulator tests and trains piloting ability under a variety of controlled conditions, virtual environments can present simulations and stimulus inputs that can be used to treat human behavioral and cognitive processes. This panel presents eight top VR and mental health scientists who use VR to assess and treat phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, burn and cancer pain, traumatic brain injury, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and assessment of cognitive/functional abilities with aging populations. One panelist will assume a “devils advocate” role and challenge the other panelists on the issues, and how technology can be advanced in a rational manner.

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