“Embodied and Mediated Learning in SMALLab: a student-centered mixed-reality environment” by Birchfield, Campana, Hatton, Johnson-Glenberg, Kelliher, et al. …

  • ©David Birchfield, Ellen Campana, Sarah Hatton, Mina Johnson-Glenberg, Aisling Kelliher, Loren Olson, Christopher Martinez, Philippos Savvides, Lisa Tolentino, and Sibel Uysal



Entry Number: 10


    Embodied and Mediated Learning in SMALLab: a student-centered mixed-reality environment



    In recent years, much work in K-12 educational technology has shifted away from addressing the problem of mere accessibility and toward a greater emphasis on the effective design of learning environments that make innovative use of emerging digital technologies. Contemporary research in the Learning Sciences reveals the importance of well-designed, student-centered learning environments that are situated in an appropriate context; engage today’s participatory culture; speak to 21st century literacies; and enable collaborative, distributed and embodied cognition. Recent research in the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) community has yielded tools and paradigms to enable collaboration, embodied interaction, and multimodal interaction within computational frameworks.
