“Anti-Smoking “Growth”” by MJZ

  • ©Dante Ariola  MJZ



    Anti-Smoking "Growth"




Company / Institution / Agency:

  • MJZ


    Businessmen discuss profit margins in a conference room, when suddenly clone bursts from their chest in an alarming visual-effects feat.

    The businessmen continue on about sales, growth, and expansion as clones continue to split from their bodies. The room fills beyond capacity, the windows shatter, and a cloud of men in black suits overtakes the streets.

    The spot ends as a camera zooms out to reveal an aerial view of the growing cluster of men and shifts to an X-ray of a pair of lungs with a growing cluster, a metaphor for a growing cancerous tumor. The tag line reads: “As they continue to grow we continue to die.”

    Method created the cloning effect by shooting each businessman delivering his lines and then shooting subsequent additional takes of the clone aggressively contorting as if he was being expelled from the businessman’s body.
    Method built a body rig consisting of the upper part of the business-man’s chest to mimic the clone’s originating area. The actors stepped through the jacket and shirt, moving buttons and the tie to the side, and contorting their way through the chest cavity, giving the movement a realistic feel after it was combined in post production.

Additional Contributors:

    Director: Dante Ariola, MJZ

    Producer: Nadine Brown


    Lead 2D VFX Artist: Russell Fell

    2D VFX Artist: Alex Frisch, Chris Staves

    3D VFX Artist: James LeBloch

    Junior 2D VFX Artists: Brandon Sanders, Carlos Morales

    Visual Effects Executive Producer: Neysa Horsburgh

    Visual Effects Producer: Justin Lane

Animation / Video Overview:
