“The Computer Graphics Interface (CGI)-The Next International Graphics Standard” Chaired by Theodore N. Reed

  • ©Theodore N. Reed, Janet S. Chin, and Karla Steinbrugge Chauveau



Entry Number: 14


    The Computer Graphics Interface (CGI)-The Next International Graphics Standard

Course Organizer(s):



    Course Description

    The Computer Graphics Interface (CGI) provides a 2D, device-independent foundation-level standard for designing graphics devices and interfacing them with graphics packages and other graphics standards such as GKS, PHIGS and CGM. Lecturers present CGI procedural bindings and data encodings, a reference model showing various configurations in which the CGI can occur, and the use of the CGI as a system-level level interface. They emphasize the graphic object pipeline, compound primitives, segments, input functions, and raster functions.

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: