Issue 69: SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Room

  • ©69, SIGGRAPH '90 Animation Screening Room

SVR Issue No:  69

SVR Issue Title:  SIGGRAPH '90 Animation Screening Room

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1990

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 69 SIGGRAPH ’90 Animation Screening Room
    1. Pacific Data Images – Gaeta, PDI
    2. Special Effects – Stone, Apple Computer, Inc.
    3. Rush Hour – Hastings
    4. Paris Dakar 90 – Guiot, Videosystem
    5. Earthtecture Sub-I – Sawai, Plus One, Inc.
    6. The Effects of Forces, Masses & Springs on Airborne Typography – Dempsey, Design/Effects
    7. Tribune Broadcasting Group Christmas ID – Smith, Design/Effects
    8. Scenes from CPUAX, GaAs INFO – Henry, TRW
    9. One Night – Ono, High Tec. Lab. Japan Inc.
    10. Open Road – Hoeg, Post Effects
    11. Kiddipick Television Commercial – McIntosh, Pixel Perfect
    12. Pepsi Power Hour – Price, Topix Computer Graphics & Anim. Inc.
    13. CGI Demo #4 – Winkler, Post Perfect, Inc.
    14. Face/King
    15. Calibre Digital Design Compilation Reel – Cosenzo, Calibre Digital Design, Inc.
    16. 1990 Namco – Watanabe, NAMCO CG Project
    17. sfpg-Selected Graphics – Wills
    18. Very Few Pixels – Very Few Pixels
    19. ACM SIGGRAPH ‘Exploring the Limits’ – ACM SIGGRAPH

SVR Animations and Videos: