Issue 85: ACM SIGGRAPH ’92 Computer Graphics Screening Room Part 3 of 3

  • ©85, ACM SIGGRAPH '92 Computer Graphics Screening Room Part 3 of 3

SVR Issue No:  85

SVR Issue Title:  ACM SIGGRAPH '92 Computer Graphics Screening Room Part 3 of 3

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 1992

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 85 ACM SIGGRAPH ’92
    Computer Graphics Screening Room Part 3 of 3
    Technical Reel

    1. Sam’s Water – CAL
    2. Water Colors – Hiroshima University
    3. Windy Moment – Hitachi
    4. Nano-Vision – NHK
    5. Sculpt – MIT Media Lab
    6. Kodak ‘Let the Memories Begin’ – R/Greenberg Associates
    7. Humming Along – IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    8. Fun With Octrees: Graph Topologies on the Recurrent Cube – John C. Hart
    9. Graphic Violence – The George Washington University
    10. Four-Sight – Andrew J. Hanson & Pheng A. Heng
    11. Iwate ’92 – Iwate University
    12. Flux – Jon McCormack
    13. Party Hardy – Homer & Associates
    14. Bugsy for Prez – Realta
    Architecture Reel
    15. Quatre Ans Cafe – Genevieve Yee
    16. Pavillon de la Once – EDE Infografics
    17. ‘El Idioma Espanol’ Pabellon de Espana Expo ’92 – COM4
    Education Reel
    18. Highlights from Knotty (1) – Hewlett Packard
    19. Engineering Animation, Inc. – Demonstration Tape
    20. Regular Convex Polytopes – Texas A& M University
    21. Spending = Q x P – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

SVR Animations and Videos: