





    WebCL allows web application developers to benefit from native acceleration of applications, through heterogeneous system parallelization. The WebCL API provides a JavaScript binding for OpenCL, enabling significant cross-platform acceleration of compute- and graphics-intensive web applications. WebCL further promotes ubiquitous implementation for augmented reality, video processing, computational photography, and gaming across heterogeneous systems, including mobile platforms.

    Presentations consist of a WebCL tutorial, use cases and demos, and a status update of WebCL API standardization, implementation, applications, and utilities. Topics include:

    • WebCL motivation, tutorial, demos, and use cases
    • WebCL standardization: Status and roadmap
    • WebCL API: Security requirements and provisions
    • WebCL Kernel Validator
    • OpenCL-to-WebCL translator utility
    • Experimental integration of WebCL prototypes into browser engines
    • Questions and answers

Overview Page: