“Khronos Chapters”




    Khronos Chapters


    The Khronos Chapters Community encourages creation of member-driven groups of Khronos API enthusiasts who get together to share their challenges and achievements, learn more about Khronos APIs, hear from exciting guest speakers, and expand their Khronos API developer network.

    This session is open to anybody interested in meeting people with similar interests in Khronos technologies in their part of the world.

    • Find out what Khronos Chapters are all about and why so many new chapters have been started around the world.
    • Meet chapter leaders, who will talk about what their chapters are doing and why they decided to start their own chapter.
    • Learn more about how to start your own Khronos Chapter.
    • Meet Erik Noreke, Khronos VP of Business Development, to learn more about this rapidly growing member-driven Khronos technology community.
    • Enjoy some time socializing with like-minded Khronos technology enthusiasts.

Overview Page: