“Innovation in animation: exiting the comfort zone”

  • ©Pamela Taylor Turner




    Innovation in animation: exiting the comfort zone

Session/Category Title:   Education: Learning and the Studio



    In approaching the broad arena of art animation in the studio classroom it is useful to first deconstruct the defining elements of animation, stripping it of its popular connotations. Working from that vantage point, it is informative to investigate the work of some key pioneering artists and to see what innovations their visions necessitated as they created images or mechanisms that could conjure images. Such an inquiry compels the student to engage in a rich studio activity that uses a hybrid of materials, both digital and tactile, and often unorthodox. The benefit of such an approach to teaching animation prompted a full course within the animation curriculum; a course dedicated to innovation. This was initiated by the need for the students to learn to discover new methods and approaches to image making, leaving their comfort zones which often revolved around one style of drawing and a favorite software program.

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