“Computer Music” by Cook, Roads and Paradiso

  • ©Perry R. Cook, Curtis Roads, and Joseph A. Paradiso




    Computer Music


    The field of computer music, which has evolved from its origins in early computing technology, analog electronic music, digital signal processing, audio engineering, and the experimental music tradition, represents the nexus of modern creative and technical issues associated with digital audio and analysis. This Special Session features experts at the forefront of several primary research areas:

    • Software-based sound synthesis
    • Human-computer interface technologies for performers and composers
    • Acoustic simulation of auditory environments 
    • Sound spatialization and presentation of electro-acoustic music
    • Intuitive computer music composition 
    • Computer-assisted music composition and affective music computing systems 
    • Stylistic emulation and modeling of human performers
    • Music information retrieval

    Each panel member addresses ongoing research in these primary points of focus within the broader context of their historical impetus and potential future applications.