“The Road to the Open Metaverse” by Petit, Trevett, Yuan, Martin, White, et al. …

  • ©Marc Petit, Neil Trevett, Yu Yuan, Guy Martin, Matt White, and Alfred Tom




    The Road to the Open Metaverse



    Building a metaverse for all will require unprecedented cooperation between many organizations to integrate and deploy diverse technologies such as interactive 3D graphics using USD and glTF, XR, photorealistic content authoring, geospatial systems, end-user content tooling, digital twins, real-time collaboration, physical simulation, and more – at levels of scale and immersiveness that require a constellation of open interoperability standards. Leaders from Metaverse Standards Forum, Khronos, Open Metaverse Foundation, OMA3, IEEE, and the Alliance for OpenUSD will host an open discussion with the SIGGRAPH community on the vision and requirements for an open and inclusive metaverse.

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