“Presence and Task Performance in Virtual Environments: A Reality Centred Approach” by Mania, Chalmers, Troscianco and Hawkes

  • ©Katerina Mania, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianco, and Richard Hawkes



Interest Area:

    VR / AR


    Presence and Task Performance in Virtual Environments: A Reality Centred Approach

Session/Category Title:   Immersive Visualization



    1. Brooks, F.P. Jr. (1999). What’s real about virtual reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov-Dec. 1999.
    2. Gibson, J. (1971). The information available in pictures. Leonardo, 4, 27-35.
    3. Mania, K., Chalmers, A. (2000). A user-centred methodology for investigating presence and task performance. 3rd International Workshop on Presence, ISBN 9-386-1571-X.
    4. Pausch, R., Proffitt, D., & Williams, G. (1997). Quantifying immersion in virtual reality. Proc. SIGGRAPH 97.
    5. Slater, M., Usoh, M., Linakis, V., & Kooper, R. (1996). Immersion, presence and performance in virtual environments: An experiment with three-dimensional chess.
    Proc. VRST 1996.
    6. Sutherland, I.E. (1970). Computer displays, Scientific American, 222 (6).

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