“Illustrating Uncertainty” by Wyvill and Wyvill

  • ©Geoff Wyvill and Brian Wyvill



Interest Area:



    Illustrating Uncertainty

Session/Category Title:   Visualization and Image Technology



    How can we usefully represent incomplete data? To make a contour map whose color describes our confidence in the local data, this approach combines smoothing and certainty in a layered structure.


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    4. Mitchell, D.P. (1987). Generating antialiased images at low sampling densities. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 87 Conference Proceedings), 21 (4), 65-72.
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    6. Gortler, S.J., Grzeszczuk, R., Szeliski, R., & Cohen, M.F. (1996). The lumigraph. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH 96 Conference Proceedings), 3-54.

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