“The Bass-Station: a community based information space” by Wolf and Argo

  • ©Ahmi Wolf and Mark Argo




    The Bass-Station: a community based information space

Session/Category Title:   Street Tech



    The Bass-Station is a novel mobile device that allows people to easily share their artistic digital belongings with their immediate physical community. Building on currently available technology, incorporated into an everyday object, we create an information space that affords people of an artistic and collaborative community the ability to share and exchange their personal media. The Bass-Station facilitates communication and sharing between people in a local community, making use of technology as a medium for developing relationships and new artistic forms.


    1. GIBSON, J. 1979. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1979.
    2. POCKETCALCULATORSHOW.COM 2003. The Boombox Museum. http://pocketcalculatorshow.com/boombox.
    3. REDSTRÖM, J., et al. 1995. Ad Hoc Information Spaces. http://dahlberg.se/pub/adhoc-final.pdf.
    4. WEISER, M., BROWN, J. S. 1996. The Coming Age of Calm Tech. http://www.ubiq.com/hypertext/weiser/acmfuture2endnote.htm.

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