“Offset curve deformation from skeletal animation” by Gregory and Weston

  • ©Arthur Gregory and Daniel Weston




    Offset curve deformation from skeletal animation

Session/Category Title:   Rigging Outside the Box



    A technique for model deformation driven by skeletal animation. The deformed position of each model point is computed on a unique offset curve computed from artist-supplied influence curves.


    1. Gregory, A., and Weston, D. 2008. Efficient offset curve deformation from skeletal animation. Tech. rep., Sony Pictures Imageworks.
    2. Kavan, L., Collins, S., Žára, J., and O’Sullivan, C. 2007. Skinning with dual quaternions. In I3D ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, ACM, 39–46.
    3. Singh, K., and Fiume, E. 1998. Wires: a geometric deformation technique. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 98, ACM, 405–414.

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