“Variational quasi-harmonic maps for computing diffeomorphisms” by Wang, Guo and Solomon

  • ©Yu Wang, Minghao Guo, and Justin M. Solomon




    Variational quasi-harmonic maps for computing diffeomorphisms

Session/Category Title:   Marvelous Mappings




    Computation of injective (or inversion-free) maps is a key task in geometry processing, physical simulation, and shape optimization. Despite being a longstanding problem, it remains challenging due to its highly nonconvex and combinatoric nature. We propose computation of variational quasi-harmonic maps to obtain smooth inversion-free maps. Our work is built on a key observation about inversion-free maps: A planar map is a diffeomorphism if and only if it is quasi-harmonic and satisfies a special Cauchy boundary condition. We hence equate the inversion-free mapping problem to an optimal control problem derived from our theoretical result, in which we search in the space of parameters that define an elliptic PDE. We show that this problem can be solved by minimizing within a family of functionals. Similarly, our discretized functionals admit exactly injective maps as the minimizers, empirically producing inversion-free discrete maps of triangle meshes. We design efficient numerical procedures for our problem that prioritize robust convergence paths. Experiments show that on challenging examples our methods can achieve up to orders of magnitude improvement over state-of-the-art, in terms of speed or quality. Moreover, we demonstrate how to optimize a generic energy in our framework while restricting to quasi-harmonic maps.


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