“Frontiers Talk: Computational Medical XR: Spatial, Neural and Wearable Computing Converging to Transform Healthcare” by Papagiannakis, Greenleaf, Kannape, Cole, Jones, et al. …

  • ©George Papagiannakis and Walter Greenleaf




    Frontiers Talk: Computational Medical XR: Spatial, Neural and Wearable Computing Converging to Transform Healthcare



    Computational medical XR brings together life sciences and neuroscience with mathematics, engineering, and computer science. It unifies computational science (neural computing) with intelligent extended reality and spatial/wearable computing for the medical field. It is integrating computational methods from neural simulation to computational geometry, computational vision and computer graphics up to theoretical computer science and deep learning to solve hard problems in medicine and neuroscience: from low-code/no-code authoring medical XR platforms to deep learning and wearable systems for diagnostics and therapeutics and from surgical planning to real-time operative navigation in XR. In this talk we illustrate how the three main strands of computational medical XR, namely Spatial, Neural and Wearable computing are converging to transform healthcare.

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